SnowMelt Inc. Is extremely proud to have our inground mounted safety marker one of the few displayed at the New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc. 55th Annual Surveyors Conference & Exhibition.

A safety marker is a NEC (National Electrical Code) requirement.  Snow Melt proudly presents its new for 2012 Radiant Heated Driveway Safety Marker.

Safety Markers should be embeded within the Asphalt, Cement, Tiling, Bricks, Pavers or flexi-pave with only the top installed flush.  Once installed in the heated driveway, heated walkway or other made of aluminum is permanently left installed providing important information. 

Radiant Heated Driveway Marker

Some examples of why markers should be installed.

1- You have a system installed and 5 years later, lucky you.  You buy a puppy and you want a pet fence installed. A pet fence is a small wire installed within the ground around your entire property.  The wire gives off a small signal, that as your pet gets closer triggers a shacker or other device within the pet collar preventing the pet from crossing the line. But somewhere on the property the pet company may wish to cross your heated driveway or heated walkway.  The marker in the ground provides name phone numbers and a warning the high voltage radiant heated driveway or walkway is underneath.  So rather than cutting the heated driveway or walkway they can go under or call us to let them know where to cross and where not to.

2- The good news is your getting fios, the bad news is they normally cut across the driveway.  The installed makers advise them of the system and that they must go under or around the radiant heated walkway or radiant heated driveway.

3- You move, the house needs painting, furniture, etc. The new owner forgets about the added feature and request one of the above items to be done by others.  These makers are invaluable in keeping the system safe from unknowing others that may cut or dig around your investment.

If your here because your heated driveway installed by someone else long ago and want one call us to order one and have it installed free on charge, you only pay for the marker itself.

Use the following link and go about 1/2 way down the page on the left side.  Thank you

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